Monday, May 21, 2007

Math 3 Coursework

Week of 5/21/07:

"Bees Build it Best"
HW 16 - HW 23
POW 9 Due Thursday

Week of 6/4/07:

"Bees Build it Best"
HW 24 - HW 29
POW 10 Due Tuesday
In class and take home assessments

Math 1 Coursework

Week of 5/21/07:

"Overland Trail"
HW 17 - HW 23
POW 10 due Thursday

Week of 6/4/07:

"Overland Trail"
HW 24 - HW 29
POW 11 Due Tuesday
Take home and in class assessments

Science A and C

Week of 5/21/07:

Who Killed the Electric Vehicle? - Video

Homework - How Does a Battery Work?

Reading - Holt Science Plus - Green
Pages S108 - S132 (this week and next two)
Atomic Structure/Elements, Chemical activity, Periodic Table/Combining Atoms

Physical Change and Aluminum Foil Lab

Continue "Frankenstein Project" (Science C only)

Week of 6/4/07:

Acid Rain or Chemical Reaction Lab

"Frankenstein Project" due (Science C only)

Quiz on reading and labs

Turn in Lab Notebooks

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Science A and C

Week of May 1

Finish up Global Warming unit and CO2 Labs

Begin Liquid Chromotography/Crime Lab Chemistry

Math 3 Coursework

Continuing "Do Bees Build it Best"

Week of May 1

HW 6 - 10

Math 1 Coursework

Continuing on down the "Overland Trail"

Week of May 1

HW 7 Due Monday
Begin work on POW 9
HW 8 - 10

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Science A Coursework

Week of Nov 27:
Rock Cycle and Plate Tectonics
Oceanography and Space

Week of Dec 4:
Student Presentations
Physics nuggets from Dave

Week of Dec 11:
Student presentations
Physics nuggets from Dave

Math 3 Coursework

Week of Nov 27:
Unit review
HW 22
Thai Population
HW 23
Get it Straight
HW 25

Week of Dec 4:
HW 26
HW 27
HW 28
Mystery Graph
HW 29
Calculator Solver

Week of Dec 11:
Take Home Assessment
In Class Assessment

Math 1 Coursework

Week of Nov 27:
HW 2
Gamblers Fallacy
HW 3
HW 4

Week of Dec 4:
HW 5
HW 6

Week of Dec 11:
HW 8
Self Assessment
Portfolio Organization

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Math 1 Coursework

Week of Nov 13:

Hand back and review "Patterns" assessments

Collect "Patterns" Portfolios

Begin "Game of Pig" unit

(Probability and expected value)

Math 3 Coursework

Week of Nov 13:

Linear Equations for Thailand

Nov 16:

Wind Tower Math
Finnriver Farm

Science A Coursework

Week of Nov 13:
Monday: Rock and mineral ID and Classification
Rock Cycle
Collect Mystery Rock

Wednesday: Earthquake unit at Marine Science Center

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Science A Coursework

Mon Nov 6: Quiz!! (on topics covered to date)
Horsepower activity

Wed Nov 8: Begin Physical Geology!
Time for research project

Math 1 Coursework

Starting Mon Nov 6:

Wrap up "Patterns" unit work
Assemble Portfolios
Final assessment for those without portfolios

Math 3 Coursework

Starting Monday Nov 6:

Wrap up last weeks work
Review unit to date
Apply Algebraic concepts to expeditions, sustainability, local interests

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Math 3 Coursework

Mon Oct 16: HW 10
Tues Oct 17: HW 11
Wed Oct 18: Start POW #2
Thurs Oct 19: HW 12
Mon Oct 23: POW #2
Tues Oct 24: HW 13 and 14
Wed Oct 25: HW 15 and 16
Thurs Oct 26: HW 17
Mon Oct 30: HW 18
Tues Oct 31: HW 19
Wed Nov 1: HW 20
Thurs Nov 2: Taking Some Out/POW 3

Math 1 Coursework

Mon Oct 16: HW 14
Tues Oct 17: HW 15
Wed Oct 18: Start POW #3
Wed Oct 19: HW 16
Mon Oct 23: HW 17 and 18
Tues Oct 24: POW #3
Wed Oct 25: HW 19
Thurs Oct 26: HW 20
Mon Oct 30: HW 21
Tues Oct 31: HW 22
Wed Nov 1: HW 23
Thurs Nov 2: Portfolio time

Science A Excitement

Mon Oct 16: Egg Drop Machine Championships!
Wed Oct 18: Begin Building Newton Jet Cars!
Mon Oct 23: Jet Car assembly, tests, modifications
Wed Oct 25: Jet car trials!
Mon Oct 30: Simple Machines!
Wed Nov 1: Power!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Science A Coursework

Due Mon Oct 2: More Ideas that Rocked the World!

Math 3 Coursework

Due Mon Oct 2: HW 6
Due Tues Oct 3: HW 7
Due Wed Oct 4: HW 8
Due Thurs Oct 5: HW 9

Due Mon Oct 9: poetry
Due Tues Oct 10: HW 10/POW1
Due Wed Oct 11: HW 11
Due Thurs Oct 12: HW 12

Math 1 Coursework

Due Mon Oct 2: HW 8 and 9
Due Tues Oct 3: HW 10
Due Wed Oct 4: HW 11
Due Thurs Oct 5: HW 12

Due Mon Oct 9: poetry
Due Tues Oct 10: HW 13
Due Wed Oct 11: HW 14/POW2
Due Thurs Oct 12: HW 15